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Foot Strapping

Strapping your foot can help reduce loading on the area we are rehabilitating from an injury.

It can be also be useful to assess if a custom or off the shelf orthoses will be beneficial to get you back into activity post rehabilitation.

Below is a very useful video showing a foot taping we use in the clinic.

For this you will need:

38mm brown sports tape - you can purchase this from the clinic or from your local pharmacy or supermarket
A sharp pair of scissors
Some patience

Some key things to note:

Have the person pull their foot back at 90 degrees at the ankle to the leg and also pull their toes back to their shin
You don't have to apply tension to the tape or twist the foot, just put it on firmly in the directions shown in the video
The tape can be left on for showering - just let it dry a bit before putting shoes on. It may come off if you are swimming
It can lose its effectiveness after 3-4 days
Washing the foot is advisable between taping sessions
If it gets itchy or uncomfortable remove straight away, wash the foot and call your Podiatrist

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